Aptom biography

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    Name: Aptom
    Origin:The Guyver
    Gender: Male
    Classification: Lost Number
    Age: Unknown
    Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, flight, can transform his body into biological missiles, can assimilate the bodies of Zoanoids into his own and through that take their abilities and add them to his arsenal, regeneration, can fire energy blasts | Can use every ability from his previous form, can cover his own body in transparency, has a "molecular accelerator", can use a high frequency lancer/spear, can freeze his opponents
    Weaknesses: Turning his body into missiles leaves him in a position in which he has to regenerate the percentage of his body he transformed | Every weakness from his previous form, the weak point of his high frequency lancer/spear is that it has a linear movement, when fully extended it takes a moment to return to its original position
    Destructive Capacity: Building level+ | Large bu