Vanja pavlovic biography sample
Vanja pavlovic biography sample pdf
Vanja pavlovic biography sample format.
Dr Vanja Pavlović
Sept. 1984-April 1992 Osnovna škola Hasan Kikić, Sarajevo
Sept. 1985 – June 1991 “VojislavVučković” Music School (piano)
1992 – July 1994 Highgate Wood School, Highgate, London.
Vanja pavlovic biography sample
Sept. 1994 – July 1996 City of London Freeman School, Ashted, Surrey (A-level)
Sept. 1996 – Jan. 1997 Abbey College, Bayswater, London
Sept. 1997- June 2001 St. Andrews University
2001 – 2005 University of Manchester
Sept. 2007 – 2009 Medicinski Fakultet, Sveučilište u Mostaru
20 Jun 1994 GCSE-Highgate Wood School, London
20 Juli 1996 A Levels- City of London Freeman School, London
21 Jun.
2001 Bachelor of Science in Medical Science , University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Jun. 2009 Doktor Medicine, Medicinski Fakultet, Sveučilište u Mostaru
Jun. 2010 Stručni Ispit, Sarajevo
Juli 1993 Coppets Wood Hospital – office work
1995 Obstetrics and Gynaecolo