Catalogue raison ne sol lewitt images
Catalogue raison ne sol lewitt images
Sol lewitt wall drawing 358!
Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings Catalogue Raisonné
Artist: Sol LeWitt (1928 – 2007)
Scope:Wall Drawings, 1968 –
Organized by: Artifex Press
Database and Format: Artifex Press proprietary software platform; online catalogue raisonné
Complete, categorized objects: 1,351 wall drawings, comprising 1,785 distinct artworks and approximately 3,500 installations
Price and Availability: Individual subscriptions are $500, $50 annual maintenance fee.
For Institutional subscriptions, rate based on size and type of institution.
Key Staff:Lindsay Aveilhé, Editor; Christopher Vacchio, Director of Research; Christine Shang-Oak Lee, Research Associate
CRSA: How involved was the artist with the catalogue raisonné project?
SLCR: LeWitt began the catalogue raisonné project in 2006, shortly before his death in 2007, building on previous catalogues raisonnés covering the years 1968–1992 published in 1984, 1989, and 1992, r