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    Meet Nikhil and Hital Meswani, The Cousins Who Are Reliance’s Highest-Paid Employees

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    • Meet Nikhil and Hital Meswani, The Cousins Who Are Reliance’s Highest-Paid Employees

    Nikhil and Hital Meswani are Reliance's highest paid employees, Making Rs 25 Crore Each.

    New Delhi: One might think that the highest-paid employee at Reliance Industries is its chairman, Mukesh Ambani.

    However, this is not the case. The honor actually belongs to his two cousins, Nikhil and Hital Meswani. These two are the driving force behind Reliance’s petrochemicals and refining businesses, and their contributions to the company’s success are undeniable.

    In recognition of their hard work and dedication, they are each compensated handsomely, with annual salaries of over Rs 24 crore.

    About Nikhil Meswani

    Nikhil Meswani is the executive director and a board member of Reliance Industries Ltd., the parent company of the Reliance Group with headquarters in India and a Fortune