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  • Janet moyles theory of play!

    Janet moyles born

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  • Janet moyles theory of play
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    Unit 3.3

    Theories of play and philosophical approaches

    Today, traditional theories of play continue to contribute significantly to childcare and education in early years. At the same time current theories and new approaches on topic of play have evolved and influenced the early years practice.

    Theories of play

    TheoristTheories that
    influence play
    Theory in practice
    Friedrich Froebel
    (1782 - 1852)

    Friedrich Froebel
    (1782 - 1852)
    Founder of the first kindergarten in Germany for children aged 3 to 7 years.

    - He believed that play was important because it provides the medium through which children learn.

    - He proposed play that involves movement and 'doing' by hands.

    - Emphasis on 'free play' where child was in control of their own play without adults intervening.

    - Children need to explore the surroundings and play in fresh air with natural materials.

    - He also stressed the importance of symbolic play and imaginative play.

    - I